
FOG offers a number of programs that connect young, less advantaged boys and girls, with sponsors, donors, benefactors and volunteers who want to grow the game of golf.


From its beginning FOG has been a one-day golf event that has raised over $7 million dollars to benefit young golfers, boys and girls, who may not have had the economic resources to fully participate in golf but did have the desire and talent. Over time, FOG has added a number of programs that have served to amplify those benefits.

Best Friend

“Best friends are people who make your problems their problems just so you don’t have to go through them alone,” a perfect quote for a FOG Best Friend.


FOG is a connector of golfers who love the game, play the game and can afford the game with those boys and girls throughout southern California who have the same interest, potential ability but lack the resources. It is the ultimate “give back” [or “pay it forward”] program.


Ken Venturi, Lee Trevino, Arnold Palmer, Johnny Miller, Tom Harmon and Eddie Merrins have been among the world’s top golf professionals and sports broadcasters who have consistently supported the FOG mission. Becoming a member of the FOG Best Friend Program connects YOU, the Best Friend, into the world of young people, though not as fortunate, but just as enthusiastic about golf. It is a unique honor to be a Best Friend and is one that will pay dividends for a lifetime.


Donate $500 to be become a FOG Best Friend.



From its founding, Friends of Golf (FOG) has focused on the needs of high school boys and girls, who want to play golf, may have the required talent to play but lack the financial resources to participate.


Over time it has become apparent that many high schoolers want to pursue their dreams of golf, but the reality is that most find that affording college becomes the next major hurdle for many of them. To that end, FOG has entered into a number of scholarship programs with a variety of golf centric organizations: SCPGA, SCGA Junior and Western Golf Association/Evans Scholars Foundation.


The sole purpose is to support the ambitions of young golf enthusiasts who want to continue on a path of golf, be it a career as a professional player or a member of the golf industry.


The scholarships vary in size and are allocated specifically on the merits of the student and on the school of their choice. Currently, FOG has more than a dozen in existence.

Turn Wood and Iron into Gold (TWIG)

Friends of Golf (FOG) launched its popular TWIG program in the 1990’s to provide used golf equipment to boys and girls interested in playing high school golf but who may not have the resources to participate.


Each year, FOG organizes a variety of different golf equipment drives. We receive clubs, golf bags, putters, balls, shoes and gloves from interested FOG participants who have many clubs languishing in attics and garages.

Once collected, FOG stores, organizes and ultimately distributes the equipment through a number of California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) sections. FOG currently supports Los Angeles City Section, Southern Section and San Diego Section with the TWIG program. The donated equipment goes directly to their golf coaches who need it in order to field a competitive team.


Each year, FOG receives dozens of letters from students and coaches thanking FOG personally for their meaningful donation and acknowledging the importance of the equipment to their teams.